5 Simple Ways for Guys to Ramp Up Their Masturbation Game
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As a teenage boy, you probably racked your brain trying to find creative and stimulating ways to masturbate better. You tried it in the shower, you bought oils and body lotions, maybe you put down cash for a massager. Some guys have even tried incorporating fruits and vegetables into their meat-beating sessions, which surely makes cruising the produce aisle of your local grocery store an entirely new experience.
But you don’t have to bend over backwards or shell out hard-earned cash to masturbate more effectively — something that can in turn make you a better lover.
Here are 5 simple ways all guys can masturbate better:
1. Slow it down!
If you really want to enjoy your jerk-off session, don’t rush it. It’s not some perfunctory chore but self-pleasure. This all about you, and you deserve to enjoy it. Give yourself ample time and silence your phone and other distractions.
2. Get to know your body (and splurge on the good lube).
A nice silicone-based lube will allow you to go for a long time, and that should be the goal. Just when you think you’re getting close, pull back, take a breath and let yourself start all over again. Get to know your cock. It’s not just a quick yank of the shaft — it’s about the head, your grip and exploring which moves bring you the most pleasure. Rub the head of your cock with your palm for a while, or grab on your balls and pull down on them. Don’t be afraid to run your hands over your body, play with your nipples, finger your hole. Stimulate your entire body.
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3. Don’t forget about the male G-spot.
Masturbation isn’t just about the cock, OK? It can (and should) also be about the prostate, so it might be time to go dildo shopping.
4. Mix things up by bringing a toy into the mix.
For those feeling a bit more adventurous, there are plenty of toys to help you out, including Fleshlights, vacuum pumps and electro-stimulation gadgets.
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5. Find a partner.
This probably comes as a shocker to none: Masturbation can be more fun with a partner, so don’t be shy about asking a friend to join in. There are also jerk-off clubs across the country — read our in-depth investigation into clubs in Philadelphia, New York and Orlando here — if you prefer group activity. And you can always create your own.
In the end, when you’re looking to masturbate better, you are only limited by your own imagination. So go forth and touch yourself, and soon you’ll be a maestro of masturbation, a butcher of meat-beating, a professional chicken choker and the best slapper of the salami this side of the Mason-Dixon line.