Colombia Just Became a Better Place for All LGBTQ People Thanks to These YouTubers
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Successful Colombian LGBT YouTuber Juan Pablo Jaramillo and his ex-boyfriend Christian Castiblanco just made a great achievement for their country in the field of safe spaces for LGBTQ people.
In October 2017 the two YouTubers joined forces and made a petition on change.org with the goal of getting signatures for an initiative for the Department “Causas Ciudadanas del Ministerio del Interior” (Ministry of the Interior of Colombia). They wanted to create a “badge” called #AquíEntranTodos (#EveryoneIsWelcome) that would identify public establishments — whether they are LGBT-friendly or just support inclusion — as safe spaces free from discrimination towards LGBTQ people.
According to the newspaper El Espectador, the guys’ social cause got more than 25,000 signatures in less than 11 hours, surpassing the goal that Jaramillo says they need.
Here’s the video in which the guys ask their followers to sign the petition:
Yesterday, according to La Patria, both YouTubers, along with members of civil society and activists, were invited to the Casa de Nariño for the signing of the “Decreto de Prevención de Discriminación por Orientación Sexual e Identidad de Género,” a decree that prevents discrimination and includes the initiative #AquíEntranTodos.
“This badge complements what we have been doing against any type of discrimination,” said President Santos. He also added that “the Ministry of the Interior will develop technical assistance programs for the implementation of the badge, and the decree also creates assistance channels immediately for victims of discrimination when they enter into public establishments. This way we continue working for a Colombia free of discrimination.”
The president reiterated in his speech that “the young people were the key actors so that this initiative could be accomplished,” and he gave a special mention of the work of the YouTubers. After the event, Juan Pablo Jaramillo shared on his social media the achievement that was made thanks to the support of his followers.
Firmamos en presidencia el decreto que implantará un sello hecho por nosotros llamados“aquí entran todos” que estará en lugares públicos y concurridos, con el fin de que no haya discriminación, un sello de tolerancia con el que podrán hacer valer sus derechos?️? pic.twitter.com/zzntk4J65X— Juan Pablo Jaramillo (@Juanjaramilloe) March 2, 2018
Featured image via Paula Gaviria