The Daily Sting, Wednesday: Stormy on Sex With Trump, the Mustache Everyone’s Talking About
It’s another day with a new batch of headlines, but here’s what you need to know to feel ready to face the day. Porn star and tabloid mainstay Stormy Daniels recently sat down to chat with Jimmy Kimmel about her new tell-all book, and sex with Trump came up in conversation. *shudder*
Also, today’s the big day: American can expect FEMA’s ‘Presidential Alert’ to be tested today, and many are sure to be upset that Trump has access to their smartphones. Plus, which popular gay personality is now sporting a mustache that people can’t stop talking about?
Learn all about sex with Trump and more with Wednesday’s gayest headlines:
1. ‘This Is a Test’ Presidential Alert Scheduled for Today (News)
People aren’t able opt out of a “Presidential Alert” sent to all Americans’ phones, and the dry run is scheduled for today at 2:18 p.m. ET. That’s right, with the push of a button Donald Trump will be able to send a push notification to the smartphones of all Americans, intended as a way to notify citizens of national emergencies. Many are up in arms about the notion of Trump having access to the mobile devices of 95% of Americans, most likely because we’ve seen what his Twitter temperament looks like.
Read the full story by NBC News here.
2. Where Were You When the World First Saw Steve Grand’s Mustache? (Celebrities)
It’s a name that hasn’t been on the lips of most gay men for quite a while, but “all-American” crooner Steve Grand is back in the headlines thanks to a bit of facial hair. You likely remember Grand from all the coverage his 2015 debut album received. These days he’s sporting a Freddie Mercury-esque stache, only a couple days after lamenting on Instagram that he’s located his first grey hair in his beard. Luckily for Steve Grand, he sports a mustache nicely.
Check out Steve Grand’s Instagram here.
3. Today’s Tearful Tale Involves a Cochlear Implant and a Proposal (Culture)
We don’t want you crying at work or anything, but this tearful tale of gay couple Kerry and Hayward is one for the record books. After contracting bacterial meningitis, Hayward was hospitalized for several weeks and lost his hearing entirely. The couple was forced to learn as much American Sign Language as possible. But when Hayward was authorized to receive a cochlear implant, Kerry crafted the perfect plan.
And, well, you’ll just have to watch the full video on Buzzfeed.
4. Stormy Daniels Pulls No Punches Describing Sex With Trump (News)
Stormy Daniels has a new tell-all book called Full Disclosure about to hit shelves, and to preview what’s inside she sat down with Jimmy Kimmel last night. Daniels got in quite a few digs, with a quip about ordering Trump around in Russian, describing him as “channeling Hugh Hefner,” saying she once spanked him with a magazine and — but of course — describing sex with Trump. Then Kimmel brought out a tray of different-sized mushrooms and had her choose which one most resembled Trump. “Can you hold it up so it’s coming at me at the correct angle?” she asked. You’ll have to watch the video above to see what the mushroom she picks looks like.
5. This Queer Artist Uses the Spicy Sauce Sambal to Illustrate Asexuality (Culture, Sex)
If you’ve never heard of sambal, it’s a popular sauce in Indonesia and Malaysia made of chilis, vinegar, fish sauce and sugar. It’s put on rice, mostly, but a queer artist named Charis is using it to illustrate asexuality for the masses. “There’s a whole spectrum of preferences for sambal,” he says — some want a little, some want a lot, and some don’t want sambal at all. “They might have it to make another person happy, or they might not. They might enjoy it, or they might not. They might have tried it before, or they might not have. But they don’t feel a need for sambal,” he says, and most importantly: “People who don’t have sambal are still people, after all.”
Check out Charis’s fully illustrated story here.
Are you going to be able to keep your lunch down after hearing about sex with Trump? And what do you think of Steve Grand’s mustache?