Don’t Be Dumb at Brunch: New Condom Tech, RuPaul’s New Book Is Here
Be cute and smarter than the rest of your friends at brunch by engaging with some key stories from the past week. Some are fun, some are infuriating. This week we saw safer sex get a promising upgrade, we have a little TV LGBTQ history for you and there’s yet another whackjob of the week.
Here are the week’s 5 news stories that’ll keep you looking well-informed at brunch:
1. An Advancement in Condom Tech
Are you one of those people who dislikes condoms because they go dry and sometimes tear and break if you don’t keep lubricating? Well, new technology may just prevent that with what is being called the “self-lubricating” condom. The new condom is being tested, and so far the results are pretty promising. So soon, while you practice safer sex, you can keep it wet and wild.
2. Which Ones Do You Remember?
LGBTQ history on TV runs the gamut of positive representation and stereotypical representation. It all depends on the show and the time we were living in. During our Prop. 8 trial, Jeff actually testified about the Billy Douglas character on One Life to Live played by the very sexy Ryan Phillippe. Do you have a specific show or character that you associate with with the realization of who you were or that maybe even precipitated your coming out? Here are 32 LGBTQ TV moments that may jog your memory.
3. Shirt Happens
This one goes out to all the LGBTQ people in our community who thought Trump might actually be, as he stated, “the best president for the LGBTQ community” (even though he struggled even saying the acronym). Well, good news for you: You can support the 2020 re-election of the most anti-LGBTQ president in history by purchasing an “LGBTQ for Trump” T-shirt that has been recently reduced in price on his campaign website. We can’t imagine they are huge sellers.
4. The Ru-Volution Is Coming
RuPaul is now pretty much a household name. But we know that every “overnight success” has a long path of hard work and dedication behind it. In addition to filming several television shows, appearances and multiple Emmys, RuPaul’s new book GuRu has been released, and we can’t wait to read it. The book dives into RuPaul’s life and looks and goes deep to Ru-veal the ways in which this legend of drag went from Momma Ru to Mother Ru to so many of us. The book GuRu is available now.
5. Whackjob of the Week: Milo Yiannopoulos Rears His Ugly Head Again
Milo the asshat has reared his ugly head again in a post on Facebook and Instagram saying he was bummed the bombs that recently got sent to former presidents, former vice presidents and multiple notable politicians and celebrities didn’t go off. His minions defended him when sane-minded people acknowledged his supposed “dark humored joke” went too far. Milo has a history of heinous hate speech and desperation for attention and relevancy. Much like Trump supporters who will compromise their morals and beliefs to blindly support him, Milo has hundreds of thousands of followers. It’s a sad cry for help and maybe a dark need for attention, but wishing bombs killed people because of their political beliefs is just plain unforgivable.