Gay Men’s Chorus of L.A. to Honor Our Favorite Donald Trump Critic, Ana Navarro
You know her as one of the most entertaining talking heads on television, seen everywhere from CNN to Telemundo to ABC’s The View, and soon Ana Navarro will be presented with the “Outspoken Voice Award” by the Gay Men’s Chorus of Los Angeles. GMCLA, one of the country’s largest and longest-running LGBTQ arts organizations, will honor Navarro on May 5 at its 7th annual Voice Awards in Hollywood.
“With the current political climate, the Gay Men’s Chorus of Los Angeles felt it important to honor someone whose voice rings loud and clear across both sides of the aisle. No one exemplifies this straight-forward candor more than Ana Navarro,” says Jonathan Weedman, GMCLA Executive Director. “She has been outspoken on many LGBT issues, including marriage equality and her vehement opposition to so-called ‘bathroom bills.’ And it’s especially fitting that we are honoring Ms. Navarro on Cinco de Mayo. In addition to her LGBT advocacy, she has long been a champion of immigrants’ rights. We are thrilled she will join us at the Voice Awards.”
Few talking heads are able to put Donald Trump in his place quite like the outspoken Navarro, herself a longtime Republican strategist but one who has never supported the bigotry and all-around anti-intellectualism of the country’s current president.
Back in November 2016, after having successfully survived one of the most brutal election cycles in the country’s history, we took a look at Ana Navarro’s “greatest hits” — a list of 10 of her finest television moments. From suggesting Melania “put a little melatonin in his nighttime milk” to her comment that “Donald Trump is driving smack into a big, beautiful brick wall, and it is driving the entire Republican Party down,” we can’t help but appreciate her absolute candor and her love of telling it like it is.