Alabama’s Scumbag-in-Chief Roy Moore Is ‘Struggling to Make Ends Meet’ After His Pedophilia Accusations
Roy Moore, the anti-gay Alabama Supreme Court Justice who got fired in October 2016 for ordering his state’s probate judges not to issue same-sex marriage licenses after it was nationally legalized — the same guy who thinks that gay people are like Nazis and gay sex should be illegal, recently published a Roy Moore money beg on Facebook asking his supporters for $250,000 to help fund his legal cases against the numerous women who accused him during his failed U.S. Senate run of molesting them as teenagers.
On Facebook, Moore wrote nearly 800 words begging his followers for funds — and making sure to slam the “gays, lesbians, and transgenders [who] have joined forces with those who believe in abortion, sodomy, and destruction of all that we hold dear” — but here’s the gist of his plea:
I will trust God that he will allow truth to prevail against the unholy forces of evil behind their attack.
I have lawyers who want to help but they are not without cost and besides their fees, legal expenses could run over $100,000. I have had to establish a legal defense fund, anything you give will be appreciated.
Please help me fight this battle for the heart and soul of this Nation. Your financial contribution to my legal defense fund is crucial… I’m sure that you cannot imagine how this has taken a toll on my wife, my children, and even my friends.
My resources have been depleted and I have struggled to make ends meet, but I have not lost my faith in our God, who is our true source of strength and will never leave or forsake us.
During his Senate campaign, Moore blamed LGBTQ people for his alleged pedophilia and after losing the election, he refused to concede, said that half of his state’s voters wanted to destroy America, asked Alabama courts to block his opponent’s victory against him (they refused) and then set his followers against his political opponent’s gay son.