The Latest Social Media Craze, the #TrashTag Challenge, Is Actually Commendable
The latest social media fad to come across our feeds and timelines isn’t eyeroll-worthy at all; it’s actually pretty damn amazing.
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NYU Students Had a Facebook Group Dedicated to Bullying an Up-and-Coming Lady Gaga
We recently discovered this story about a bullying Facebook group from when she was an up-and-coming artist in New York
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Indonesia Threatened to Ban All of Instagram Due to This One Gay Artist
The Muslim nation has threatened to make the platform inaccessible due to one gay artist and his comic strips
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This Gay Aussie Party Was Called Out for Its Mean-Spirited Photo Policy, Pledges to Do Better
Poof Doof found itself in hot water over its “photo policy” that dictated who should be included in its party pics
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