Don’t Be Dumb at Brunch: Dustin Lance Black and Tom Daley Gayby News, Scott Baio Is the Worst
Happy Sunday! It’s that time again: What happened this week that you need to know? Well, there’s Dustin Lance Black / Tom Daley gayby news, Burberry’s over the rainbow with pride, Jeffrey Tambor is now looking for a job and Donald Junior just won’t stop spreading fake news. Oh, and let’s not forget the whackjob of the week, of which there’s never any shortage. Check out who it is below.
Here are the week’s 5 news stories that’ll keep you looking well-informed at brunch:
1. They’re Having a Gayby!
Tom Daley and Dustin Lance Black tweeted a photo on Valentine’s Day of the two hugging each other while holding a picture of a sonogram — announcing to the world they’re expecting a baby. The couple, together since 2013 and married last May, has talked regularly about wanting to start a family. The tweet included an emoji of two dads and a baby boy — which has us all assuming, since we can’t read sonograms, that a son is in their future.
Of course, the hating started soon after their announcement when Daily Mail columnist and homophobe Richard Littlejohn attacked the couple. He still believes a child is best suited with a mom and dad even though science (you know, that fact stuff) proves children raised by gay parents have no different well-being. He also blasts them for not revealing who the surrogate is.
We’ve come to know Lance well from our Prop. 8 lawsuit, as well as working with him on When We Rise, and we couldn’t be happier for him and Tom as they start this new chapter of their life, as dads.
2. Haters and Fakers
Watching the Olympics? This year is especially crush-worthy (as in Gus KenDworthy and Adam Rippon). Adam is skating his heart out and has already won a bronze medal, while Gus is prepping to dazzle us on the slopes. Gus just broke his thumb (which won’t keep him from competing) and made it politically humorous by saying at least now he wouldn’t have to shake Vice President Mike Pence’s hand.
Broken or not, it’s thumbs-down for Pence after his tweet to Adam Rippon about his support being real and his anti-LGBT stance being fake news. Rippon ripped him a new one by reminding him that fact is different than fake.
But is it really Donald Trump Jr. who needs a memory lesson in facts? After Rippon said he didn’t want his Olympics to be all about Pence, what did Donny have to say? Well, he tweeted at Rippon: “Really? Then Perhaps you shouldn’t have spent the past few weeks talking about him. I haven’t heard him mention you once???” Poor Donny. If he only followed Pence himself on twitter he would have seen the Pence tweet directly to Rippon.
3. Burberry’s Emblem for Optimism and Inclusiveness
We’ve often said there are many ways to show your pride. It’s a triad of efforts: (1) Tell Your Stories (2) Vote Vote Vote (3) Spend Your Dollars Supporting Those Who Support Us.
Well, get ready to break out your wallets, because Burberry just announced #TheRainbowCheck, which takes their iconic pattern and gives it a prideful treatment. The rainbow check items should be available today! The best part of this is that the sales of these items will go to support great causes and organizations, including the Trevor Project.
4. Transparency on Transparent
You’ve probably heard that Jeffrey Tambor has been accused of sexual harassment and now has been officially fired from the hit Amazon show Transparent. Tambor plays the lead character of Maura Pfefferman on a show that has gained critical acclaim, several awards and praise for employing more trans actors and workers than any other show. What will creator and executive producer Jill Soloway do without Tambor and potentially without the character he brought to life? We will have to tune in next season to find out.
After the announcement Tambor spoke out on Friday about the accusations: “As I have consistently stated, I deeply regret if any action of mine was ever misinterpreted by anyone and I will continue to vehemently defend myself. I also deeply regret that this ground-breaking show, which changed so many lives, is now in jeopardy. That, to me, is the biggest heartbreak.”
5. Our Whackjob of the Week: A Washed-Up Scott Baio
Just when you thought you were done hearing about Trump-loving Chachi, Scott Baio is in the news again. This times it’s a claim of harassment from a former child co-star on the sitcom Charles in Charge, Alexander Polinsky.
Polinsky, who was 11 at the time, claims the harassment lasted through the entire run of the show and included being called a “faggot” and “effeminate,” being told by Baio what gay sex acts he would grow up to perform and even having Baio expose himself to him. According to Polinsky, the adults on the set were aware of Baio’s behavior but refused to say anything out of fear of losing their jobs. Baio, who is also alleged to have also harassed female costar Nicole Eggert, has denied all allegations and the LAPD is investigating. #TimesUp, Baio.