A Massive Group of Drag Queens Plans on Protesting Trump’s July Visit to the U.K.
When Donald Trump, the most anti-LGBTQ U.S. President of the modern era, visits the U.K. on Friday, July 13, he’ll be greeted by a massive protest of people dressed in drag. The protest, led by renowned drag queen Cheddar Gorgeous (pictured above at center) is just one of several protests that’ll occur during the Trump Britain visit.
Gorgeous writes, “This is to increase awareness of the way Trump’s administration has systematically attacked the LGBTQI community and to stand in solidarity with the many other groups who feel marginalized along lines of race, class and gender.”
She adds, “To not object to the visit would seem like a betrayal of the tolerant society that the UK as a whole strives to be.”
The protest, which has an official Facebook event page with over 1,000 RSVPs, will be one of several protests against Trump and his politics during his visit in the U.K..
The Together Against Trump protest has over 43,000 RSVPs. Concurrently, a site called Top Trump Targets is encouraging people to protest his visit by donating to organizations benefitting women, refugees and transgender people — his favorite political targets.
Trump’s one-day visit to the U.K. has been described as a “working visit.” Apart from meeting with Prime Minister Theresa May, he’ll reportedly visit the Queen of England but he won’t get a carriage ride to the palace or receive an official banquet there.
Trump had originally planned a longer visit earlier last year, but he cancelled amid reports that his visit was widely opposed in England by the mayor of London (who has criticized Trump’s anti-Muslim ban) and members of Parliament who said that Trump shouldn’t have the right to address them in Parliament.
Gorgeous points out that there’s a long history of drag kings and queens getting involved in social and political movements, particularly the Stonewall uprising and numerous HIV fundraisers.
Gorgeous is a drag queen from Manchester, England who describes herself as a “unicorn, alien and idealist.” We’ve mentioned her before on our lists of drag queens who serve up killer genderless boy lewks and queens who’d slay Dragula season 3. She has also partied at European Ski Week with gay blogger Davey Wavey.