Donald Trump Has Created a Hotline Americans Can Call to Leave Him a Message
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If a Donald Trump hotline existed, allowing you to call up the president and tell him how you feel about how he’s ruining running the country, what would you say? It’s a valid question, because as of now that Trump hotline does indeed exist.
The next presidential election may be 23 months away, but that hasn’t stopped Donald Trump from releasing the very first election ad for his 2020 bid. (I guess he’s assuming the GOP will want him to be its nominee once again.)
First 2020 ad? This Trump ad, featuring his campaign manager @parscale, just aired on CNN. It’s a minute long and asks viewers to call an 800 number to leave a thank you message for POTUS. I called the number and it leads to a fundraising appeal (not unusual for pres campaigns) pic.twitter.com/yB3Rb1pJKe
— Yashar Ali 🐘 (@yashar) December 18, 2018
The one-minute commercial — running far and wide on American TV, even on CNN, which Trump himself has pegged as an “enemy of the people” — is basically a commercial for the new Trump hotline. In the ad, Brad Parscale, Trump’s campaign manager, encourages Trump’s biggest supporters to call the hotline and “thank the president right now.”
“President Trump has achieved more during his time in office than any president in history,” Parscale says. (We’re assuming by “in office” he meant to say “on the golf course,” and that he’s choosing to ignore the fact that foreign countries all view us less favorably — except for Russia, of course.) “That’s why we need every Trump supporter to pick up the phone right now and deliver a personal thank you to your president. We have a booming economy, historic low unemployment … and the world is a safer place.”
The Trump 2020 ad is right about one thing: America is currently experiencing record low unemployment. Of course, if you examine unemployment through the lens of the last 10 years, here’s what you see:
Upon calling the Trump hotline, you’re asked to leave your name and a brief message for the president. After that, you’re asked to pony up some of your hard-earned cash for Trump’s re-election.
So, yeah, the Trump hotline is really little more than an attempt to raise funds, but can you blame him? With 37 different lawsuits arising out of Donald Trump’s actions as president, and every organization he’s led in the past decade currently under investigation, he might need every nickel and dime hiding in your couch cushions to make it out alive.
Call the Trump hotline at 800-684-3043.