You’ll Surely Want to Punch Tucker Carlson in the Face After Watching Him Argue Tacos Are American
Last night Fox News featured a Tucker Carlson taco rant in which the conservative shill — who thinks jailing immigrant children is a great way to keep America white, by the way — claimed that tacos are an American food and any attempt to claim them as part of Mexican culture is “appropriation.”
Carlson began by discussing a recent incident in which a Houston Mexican restaurant called El Tiempo Cantina deactivated its social media accounts after getting blowback for posting an image of Attorney General Jeff Sessions eating there. Sessions has defended the Republican administration’s policy of arresting, jailing and then giving away Mexican children who come to the Southern border.
Naturally, Carlson invited Univision anchor Enrique Acevedo onto his show as an intended punching bag. (And for some inexplicable reason Acevedo went on.)
Carlson immediately talks over Acevedo during his introduction to call the Spanish-language network “an enforcer of ethnic solidarity,” adding, “Your job is to make sure that if a Hispanic in America steps out of line that you pummel him and make sure he gets back into the herd.”
Carlson then smirks like he’s the most clever elf in the Keebler tree: “I thought in 2018 you could eat with anyone you wanted,” he says, “regardless of your race. But that’s not true, I guess, right?”
“That’s not what [my colleague] said,” Acevedo replies. “I’m not surprised this is happening. This is what a divided America looks like. It’s a result of the trickle-down incivility that starts with the president calling women ‘dogs’ and immigrants ‘animals,’ journalists ‘enemies of the people’ and then spreads everywhere through the kind of incendiary rhetoric we hear from you or Sean Hannity or Laura Ingraham.”
Acevedo then calls Jeff Sessions a man who has “opposed every effort to reform our broken immigration system in the last two decades, has led the charge to dehumanize and criminalize immigrants, their story, their culture and suddenly shows up at a Mexican restaurant to order huevos rancheros. That’s like Cubans going to McDonald’s to order a Big Mac after a speech on American imperialism.”
Here is the Tucker Carlson taco rant:
Carlson then says, “I think that our legal immigration levels should be lower because the country’s getting too volatile.” Right. It’s all those volatile Mexicans you keep hearing about and not the white supremacists holding two-hour, 25-person rallies that cost taxpayers millions of dollars.
When Acevedo again points out the contradiction of denigrating a culture and then eating their food, Carlson starts yukking it up saying, “What do you mean their food, it’s American food.”
The Tucker Carlson taco rant goes full tilt as he says, “It’s American! What do you think, you own tacos now or something? I love this, it’s so crazy! … It sounds like you feel like you own tacos. I feel like I do. I feel like they’re an American food, and I’m going to keep eating them even though I agree with Jeff Sessions.”
When Acevedo says we should all celebrate each others’ culture, Carlson says, “No! What do you mean each others’ cultures? It’s an American food! It’s an American food! You’re not going to appropriate my culture. I’m from San Diego, man. Those are my tacos. Mine!”
Tucker Carlson: professional troll, everyone.