Week In Review: The Golden Girls Get a Remodel, Reddit’s Huge Penis Problems
In the Week in Review, we look at 10 of the week’s top stories that you may have missed. In this week’s edition, we look at Eminem addressing the gay slur on his newest album, the downsides of having a huge penis and how you can help Singapore decriminalize gay sex.
Here are 10 of the week’s top stories:
1. Eminem Says He Was ‘Angry’ When He Used That Gay Slur on His New Album
Aug. 31 saw Eminem surprise-drop a new album, Kamikaze. And while many were ecstatic to get new material from the famed rapper, several were upset to find homophobic language on the album, namely a use of the word “faggot” in reference to Tyler, the Creator on a track called “Fall.” Now, in a recently released on-camera interview with MTV News producer Sway, the homophobic Eminem lyric gets addressed, though the rapper stops short of an apology or even saying he regrets the lyric.
Read the full story here.
2. A Group of Designers Redecorated the ‘Golden Girls’ House for the 21st Century
It’s been more than 30 years since The Golden Girls debuted on NBC, but fans still obsess over the characters, the jokes and, yes, even the home décor. Now Modsy, an interior design service, has re-imagined the iconic Miami Golden Girls house for 2018, adding some fresh touches while keeping its tropical pastel vibe intact.
Read the full story here.
3. This Gay Prison Gang, Called the ‘Rainbow Warriors,’ Fights Neo-Nazis Behind Bars
In a recently published personal essay, Dennis Mintun — a 56-year-old, inmate at the Idaho State Correctional Institution in Boise, Idaho — talked about how he became the head of the penitentiary’s gay prison gang. The gang is a group of queer inmates known as the “Rainbow Warriors” and they prevent neo-Nazi inmates from beating up gay men and trans women during their initiations.
Read the full story here.
4. 5 Complaints About Having a Giant Penis, According to the ‘Ridiculously Hung Bros’ of Reddit
If you asked men whether they’d love to have a huge penis, most would immediately say yes. Some men even go to absurd lengths to give themselves one. But is being well-hung really worth it? What about “huge penis problems”? According to the Redditors on r/askgaybros and r/bigdickproblems, many would be happy to lose a few inches, either in length or girth.
Read the full story here.
5. Sign This Petition Urging the Singaporean Government to #DecriminalizeLGBT
The sovereign city-state and island nation of Singapore in Southeast Asia still has a law on the books — Section 377A of the penal code — that criminalizes male homosexuality. And while there have been efforts made to repeal the outdated, homophobic law, now two dueling petitions are urging the government to both keep that law on the books and, conversely, to repeal it. We are taking the opportunity to encourage all Hornet users to sign the Singapore petition in favor of repealing the law.
Read the full story here. (And sign the petition here.)
6. Straight Guys of Reddit Shared Their Most Intimate Same-Sex Experiences, and Well, We’re Shook
Recently on r/AskReddit, u/Megapumpkin asked “Straight guys of Reddit, what’s the most intimate moment you had with another guy?” Many of the answers were heartfelt, but some had a serious tinge of sadness — we’re devastated that people felt some of these very real emotions had to be “hidden” lest they be seen as gay.
Read the full story here.
7. Sashay, Shanté: The 5 Most Memorable Fashion Shows From NYFW 2019
Every September the world watches in awe as fashion industry power players come together in New York City for a week of memorable runway shows. Every New York Fashion Week is a showcase, and NYFW 2019 has been no exception, as every designer has truly stepped up their game.
Read the full story here. (And go backstage with Hornet at the Marco Marco show here.)
8. It’s a Sweet Story How This Closeted High School Swimmer Ended Up With the Football Captain
Missouri high school swimmer Hunter Sigmund was a 16-year-old student with straight-As, loving friends and a supportive family. But he was unhappily closeted, felt isolated and tried to “act straight” while convincing himself that he wasn’t gay. Then, at a Labor Day party in 2016, he came out to Jake Bain, a friendly classmate who was also the football captain, and a high school love story for the record books was ignited.
Read the full story here.
9. After His Nudes Leaked, Actor Keiynan Lonsdale Took to Social Media to Promote Body Positivity
It’s a serious invasion of privacy when anyone (including celebrities) has nude photos or videos that were intended for an individual leaked to the web for all to see. But actor Keiynan Lonsdale seems to have taken it in stride. Yesterday we were treated to a Keiynan Lonsdale nude photo shoot as the Australian-born bisexual actor, 26, posted a tasteful selfie on his Instagram while also addressing body image and body positivity.
Read the full story here.
10. Canceled Comedy: 8 Comedians Who We Now Know Are Horrible People
Oh, Norm MacDonald, we were rooting for you, we were all rooting for you. How dare you?! After yesterday’s amazingly terrible interview with The Hollywood Reporter in which he dares to defend Louis C.K., Roseanne Barr and Chris Hardwick, we got to thinking about other offensive comedians — and, to be clear, we’re not talking incendiary comedy but comedians who are offensive as human beings.
Read the full story here.