Week In Review, Aug. 10, 2018: Body-Positive Underwear, RuPaul Flips His Wig, Is Dr Pepper Vers?
In the Week in Review, we look at 10 of the week’s top stories that you may have missed. In this week’s edition, we look at fdasdfdsafdsafdsafasdfasfasf
Here are 10 of the week’s top stories:
1. This Underwear Line Just Launched a Body-Positive, Trans-Inclusive Campaign (Photos)
Remember when American Eagle ticked everyone off by launching a fake April Fool’s campaign for body positive men’s underwear? Forget those clowns, because Surge underwear, a men’s skivvies brand in the U.K., has launched a body positive underwear campaign. Not only is it real, but it’s also racially diverse and trans-inclusive on top of sexy.
Read the full story here.
2. Russian Teen, 16, Is the First Minor to Be Found Guilty of Gay Propaganda Laws
A 16-year-old Russian teen was the first minor found guilty under the country’s gay propaganda law. The teen was accused of publishing homoerotic pictures on the Russian social network VKontakte. But the Russia LGBT Network suspects that his conviction is actually connected to the teen’s LGBTQ activism rather than the photos themselves.
Read the full story here.
3. Gamer Announces ‘I’m Gay’ After Winning World Championship
Dominique McLean, a.k.a. SonicFox, took home his fifth title at the Evolution Championship Series in Las Vegas, beating 2,575 other entrants in a Dragon Ball FighterZ competition and nabbing a $15,000 check. The 20-year-old then blew a kiss to the crowd and tweeted “I’m gay” to his 82,700 followers from the stage.
Read the full story here.
4. This Tiny Armenian Town Formed a Lynch Mob Against Its LGBTQ Citizens, Injuring Many
In the tiny town of Shurnukh, Armenia, several dozen people attacked nine LGBTQ activists. The lynch mob sent two of them to the hospital for their injuries. Though police are investigating, none of the victims have been contacted by the Public Defender’s office. Similarly, the police treated the victims poorly and the mob even included the village’s former mayor.
Read the full story here.
5. RuPaul Got Hopped Up on Coffee While Filming ‘All Stars 4’ and Flipped His Wig
This week’s episode of What’s the Tee?, RuPaul‘s podcast with Michelle Visage has a doozy of a reveal. RuPaul says that, after four cups of coffee, while filming an episode of All Stars 4, he went off screaming at the top of his lungs.
Read the full story here.
6. During Paris Gay Games, Plaque for Gay Couple Burned Alive Defaced
Unknown vandals in Paris, France splattered black paint and plastered homophobic signs over a memorial plaque dedicated to a gay couple burned alive in 1750 as capital punishment for the “crime” of sodomy. The couple was the last same-sex couple who faced federal execution just for being gay.
Read the full story here.
7. The Grandson of Singapore’s Founder Came Out as Gay, But When Will the Country #DecriminalizeLGBT?
While Singapore criminalizes homosexuality, things could be getting better. Li Huanwu, grandson of Singapore’s founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, came out as gay. Li’s coming out is important because of his family’s centrality to Singapore’s political and cultural identity.
Read the full story here.
8. Former Gay Porn Star Logan McCree Has Turned Into a Men’s Rights Activist
If you watched gay porn from 2007 to 2010, chances are you remember Logan McCree, a German-born performer known for his head-to-toe tattoos. But alas, we regret to inform you that since disappearing from porn, he has turned into a men’s rights activist.
Read the full story here.
9. Why Is So Much of LGBTQ Twitter Against the Casting of Ruby Rose as Batwoman?
Batwoman, a lesbian superhero is coming to TV and she’ll be played by a lesbian actress. What’s more, the lesbian actress is genderfluid and she’s famous: She’s Ruby Rose from Orange Is the New Black. But weirdly, LGBTQ Twitter seems furious about the casting, and we’re left scratching our heads.
Read the full story here.
10. A Baffling Dr Pepper Ad Appeals to the Gays by Saying Their Soda is Vers
There’s a Dr Pepper print ad circulating on Twitter right now which markets the soda as “A queer drink for diverse drinkers” by showing a Dr Pepper can from the top, bottom and side and declaring the soda “versatile.”
Read the full story here.