New Survey Reveals Most Gay People Lose Their Virginity a While After Their Peers
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The online medical care site dred.com recently surveyed 500 Americans and 500 Europeans about their lifetime sexual experiences and found that, on average, gay people lose their virginity after 17.9 years of life and first become aware of their sexuality after about 13.8 years. This gay virginity survey also showed interesting differences between bisexuals and different generational groups. Let’s dive in!
Before we begin, we should state that this is hardly a scientific survey. Dred.com didn’t release any information about the number of men, women, non-binary, gay, bisexual or any other groups of people involved nor did they define what “virginity loss” means. As such, we can’t draw any clear conclusions from their survey, but it still has some surprises.
According to the survey, bisexuals experienced their sexual awakening after 15.4 years of life — up to a year or half-year after most other groups. Bisexuals also lost their virginity on average after 16.2 years of life, nearly a year before most other groups.
Interestingly, dred.com notes, “Gay respondents recalled a sexual awakening at an earlier age than any other demographic group – under 14 years old – on average…. These respondents also lost their virginity later than almost any other group.”
When asked about the cause of their sexual awakenings, 62% of all respondents said it was triggered by an actor or actress and 30% said it was triggered by a sibling’s friend.
The survey also asked men and members of three different generations — Baby Boomers born from 1946 to 1964, Generation Xers born from 1965 to 1984, and Millennials born from 1985 to 2005 — about their attitudes towards same-sex dating and dating bisexuals.
The survey found that 29% of Millennials thought they’d eventually sleep with someone of the same sex, compared to to just 20% of Generation Xers and 25% of Baby Boomers. Only 20% of men said the same thing, compared to 34% of women.
Approximately 38% of Millennials said they’d date a bisexual person, compared to to just 7% of Generation Xers and 3% of Baby Boomers, possible evidence of increased acceptance of bisexuality among younger generations. Comparatively, 30% of men said the same thing compared to just 20% of women.
Featured image by svetikd via iStock