Watch This Well-Known, Anti-Trans Intellectual Lose His Argument Defending Anti-Gay Bakers
Jordan Peterson is a prolific Canadian political writer who thinks that “political correctness” (also known as trying to respectfully address others) and “gender studies” are intellectually weakening and socially destructive. Naturally, he thinks cake shops shouldn’t be required to make cakes for gay weddings — or even black customers. But when Australian comedian Jim Jefferies asks Peterson whether he thinks the American Civil Rights Movement made society worse by forcing businesses to serve black customers, Peterson merely uttered, “Maybe I was wrong about that.” Uhhh … ya think?
Maybe you’ve never heard of Peterson, but he’s well-known and widely listened to. His YouTube channel has more than 1.3 million subscribers and his Patreon makes more than $50,000 per month.
In one of his most famous video lecture series, entitled “Professor against political correctness,” he says he doesn’t use trans people’s preferred gender pronouns and opposes a Canadian law giving trans people non-discrimination protections because those protections infringe on free speech (namely, people’s right to treat trans people like crap).
In the same series Jordan Peterson says asking people to use gender-neutral pronouns is “frighteningly similar to the Marxist doctrines that killed at least 100 million people in the 20th century.” Yep, that’s right. If you ask people to use gender-neutral pronouns, that’s the first step on the road to opening a Communist death camp.
RELATED | The Supreme Court Just Ruled for the Baker in Colorado’s ‘Gay Cake’ Case
In the Comedy Central interview, Jefferies asks Peterson if it’s a good idea to make people bake cakes for gay weddings. Peterson says it’s not right. He then asks Peterson whether a baker should be able to deny making a cake for a black couple if he doesn’t like black people.
“Allowed to?” Peterson asks. “Probably. That doesn’t mean it’s right.”
Jefferies then says, “So then we had the Civil Rights Movement, where they said you had to serve [black people] in your restaurants. Stuff like that. And it did work and it did make our society better, but would you argue that still wasn’t right?”
After a brief pause, Peterson admits, “No, that was right.”
“Why is that different to now if you didn’t want to make a cake for black people?”
“Maybe it’s not,” Peterson says. “Maybe it’s not different. Maybe I was wrong about that.”
How had Jordan Peterson never heard this extremely basic counter argument to his position before pic.twitter.com/gTdLm166Hj
— PeterNorway (@classiclib3ral) June 21, 2018
Granted, numerous racial justice activists dislike people comparing racism to anti-LGBTQ discrimination because of their different political histories and the ongoing problem of racism in the gay community, but this exchange at least shows the flaw in the thinking of people who support the right to discriminate: If it was wrong in one case, why not in both?
The anti-LGBTQ stances of Jordan Peterson masquerade as pro-Western “freedom of speech”
Although he might not put it this way, Jordan Peterson largely ascribes to Cultural Marxist conspiracy theories that basically posit that European philosophy infiltrated American universities in the 20th century to create a generation of citizens hostile to American power, masculinity and wealth. As a result, Peterson concludes, people who believe in the primacy of racial, sexual and gender identity politics now have “control over most low-to-mid level bureaucratic structures, and many governments as well.”
As such, he tells students to avoid classes on women’s and ethnic studies because they encourage unscientific methods, cult-like behavior and radical left-wing political activism.
In fact, Jordan Peterson blames the rise of Donald Trump on a “backlash against masculinity” that made men more “harsh” and “fascist” in return.
That’s right. White working-class men voted for Trump not because they’re racist or economically hurting, but because society is trying to turn them into women.