Louisiana Mayor Tries to Ban Drag Queen Story Hour at Public Library
A Louisiana mayor is trying to ban a group from holding a Drag Queen Story Hour at a local public library.
On October 6 members of Delta Lambda Phi, a gay-inclusive fraternity at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, are slated to read to kids ages 3 to 6 while dressed in drag. The event was the topic of discussion at a recent Lafayette city council meeting, where those who gave public comments were nearly unanimous in their support.
“It’s important for young kids to understand this is normal behavior, even if it may be different to some,” Brad Parfait, a sophomore at UL-Lafayette, told the Acadiana Advocate. “It’s not something you should be bullied over.”
Similar drag story time events have been held everywhere from New York and San Francisco to Galveston, Texas, and Manhattan, Kansas. The Association for Library Service to Children calls the performers “library pioneers.”