Nice Abs, Bro, But Where’s Your Face? 4 Tips to Taking the Perfect Profile Pic
This story about the perfect profile pic was contributed by a Hornet user through our Community Platform. You, too, can contribute stories to Hornet. Head here for more info on writing for us.
I was hoping in 2021 that I wouldn’t have to write this article. That by now, we’ve all been on apps long enough to know what’s required of a good profile pic. But from the numerous blurry pics of abs I see on a daily basis, I can safely say that somehow, still, the majority of us don’t know how to take the perfect profile pic.
But this is actually good news for you! With these steps, you can be part of the minority of gay men who have a captivating profile pic and really stand out. And as we know, the gays are very visual. If you slay it with a perfect profile pic, you could probably write in your bio “I’m a serial killer” and guys would still come over to your house alone in the middle of the night.
With that said, here are four tips to taking the perfect profile pic:
1. Serve body and face
A zoomed-in pic of your mug gives us an idea of how your face looks — which is great, don’t get me wrong. Especially in a sea of headless torsos, we want to see the face we’ll be kissing. Still, we also (without swiping or asking for additional photos) want to know what your body looks like. So show off some arms and chest in there along with that handsome face.
2. Smile or smolder
The number of blank stares I see in profile pics is disconcerting. This isn’t a mugshot. Why do you have such a serious face on? Smile! Or, if you’re not the smiling type, opt for a sexy smolder. Don’t, however, look into the camera with dead eyes, because that’s freakin’ terrifying!
3. Play to your strengths
What’s the thing everyone compliments you on the most? Is it your smile? Your arms? Whatever it is that people seem to like (and you’re most proud of), put it on display.
If you have a great chest and big arms, show them off! But you’ll want to do this without looking like a D-bag, so don’t have a pic of yourself flexing in the gym mirror. Instead go with a beach selfie or something like that. And if you have beautiful eyes, make sure we can see them. We all have something about ourselves we like, so let’s show it off.
4. A solo pic of yourself
Unless if you’re a couple on the hunt for a third (then your profile pic should definitely include the two of you), the perfect profile pic is of you alone. We don’t need to see what your friend looks like. We also don’t want to have to figure out which one is you.
Alright boys, there you have it, four simple ways to create the perfect profile pic. Did I miss anything else? If so, sound off in the comments.
This article was originally published on December 3, 2020. It has since been updated.