You Clicked It (And Cranked It): Here Are PornHub’s Most Searched Gay Porn Stars
The end of the year means many things. Making out with your lover Crying over your loneliness as the ball drops. Setting up resolutions for the new year. Saying goodbye to the year before, or in last year’s case, the nightmare that was 2017. But our favorite part of the new year might just be the end of the year review by our friends over at PornHub, and that includes the most searched gay porn stars of the year.
As the years go by and life changes for all of us, our favorite flavors in porn also change, and PornHub is there to document it. For instance, in 2017, “cuckolding” became an incredibly popular term. Maybe it was because of “all of us cucks” complaining about Trump. Or because some of us are feeling more intellectual.
In addition to what fetishes and acts get us playing the five knuckle shuffle, PornHub also tracks the most searched gay porn stars. The men that get our gears grinding while they grind their hunky man-meat on screen.
This year’s most searched gay porn stars are:
1. William Seed
2. Johnny Rapid
3. Armond Rizzo
4. Diego Sans
5. Paddy O’Brien
6. Allen King
7. Colby Keller
8. Carter Dane
9. Jake Bass
And while this list is based on search results alone, it’s pretty easy to note that #GayPornSoWhite. Kind of reminds us of the GayVN nominees this year.
In other results, the most searched gay terms included ‘Japanese,’ ‘Korean’ and ‘straight first time’ whereas ‘daddy’ and ‘twink’ have dropped down the list in search volume. Leading the top trending gay porn searches is ‘Police Patrol,’ a porn site whose success is rooted in police brutality and racism. Yikes.
The top three most viewed categories on Pornhub in 2017 were ‘black,’ ‘straight guys’ and ‘daddy.’
One very interesting thing Pornhub also pointed out is that it’s not just gay men watching gay porn. According to the tube site, “37% of visitors to Pornhub Gay pages are in fact, women.”
Check out the full chart for gay porn search results including the most searched gay porn stars below.