Straight People Who Have Gay Sex Fall Into These 6 Different Types
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A recently published study of online survey responses about the most recent sexual experiences of 14,630 college students from 22 different U.S. colleges and universities found that of the students who’d had a recent hookup experience, 5% were with a member of the same-sex. And of those students, 12% of men and 25% of women identified as heterosexual. When analyzing their responses even further, researchers found these straight people having gay sex broke down into six different categories or types.
The first type: Probably gay or bi
The first group (which was also the largest) were guys and girls who enjoyed their hookups and wanted to have a romantic relationship with their same-sex partner. These folks were likely gay and bisexual people still figuring out their sexuality as they’d typically had same-sex experiences in the past and reported not being drunk during their most recent hookup.
The second type: Drunk and curious
The second largest group of straight people having gay sex were sexually open-minded but had very few previous same-sex sexual experiences. Three-fourths of the students in this group were also drunk during their most recent same-sex hookup, lending credence to the possibility that they were just experimenting. And while most of them reportedly enjoyed their same-sex experience, almost none of them wanted a romantic relationship with their partner.
The third type: Not really into it
Most of the students didn’t really enjoy their same-sex hookup, and most stuck to touching and kissing, never really making genital contact with their partners or wanting to take it any further.
The fourth type: Just doing it for attention
This group entirely consisted of drunk females with no past same-sex experiences who kissed and fondled other women at parties so people could hoot and holler — a bit of “performative bisexuality,” if you will, to turn others on and get them a little attention.
The fifth type: Jesus says no
This mostly female group enjoyed their hookups and wanted more sex and possibly even relationships with their same-sex partners, but their religious beliefs forbid pursuing same-sex relationships.
The sixth type: Conservative closet cases?
These politically conservative and religious folks didn’t enjoy their same-sex experiences as much as the fifth type, and few said they wanted a same-sex relationship. Their beliefs largely prevent them from pursuing or enjoying same-sex encounters.
RELATED | Being Drunk Makes Men More Open to Gay Sex
As we’ve said in the past, same-sex experiences don’t necessarily make you gay. In fact, some straight-identified men who’ve had same-sex encounters have opted for other labels: There’s the androphiles, so-called ‘alt-right’ gay men who dislike stereotypically gay things (like shopping), “g0ys” for misogynist homosexuals who fear anal sex and “mostly straight” men that we might otherwise call “heteroflexible.” Also, straight guys who want to have gay sex without all the associated social stigma sometimes call it “buddy baiting” and “buddy sex.”