As If Things Couldn’t Get Worse, Straight Pride Products Are Available on Amazon
Yes, you read that correctly. Just in time for Pride month, right after Harvey Milk Day, some poor, poor heteros feel left out of the festivities. But don’t get your cargo shorts in a bunch, Ralph, because Amazon has got a great array of Straight Pride products just for you!
We’ve reported on Amazon’s straight pride pins, which were (thankfully) taken down for being ridiculous and insulting. But not only are those pins back online; now there’s even more crap for heteros to silently let the world know they love eating at Denny’s.
For those str8bros who love to complain that LGBTQ people get a flag all their own, this set of four Straight Pride pins offers upset heteros a mix of *bold* and exciting lewks. You can rep the ‘bLuE iS FoR bOiS’ and ‘PiNk iS fOr GiRLz’ pin, or if you’re a super-advanced heterosexual, you can sport one of the humdrum ‘shades of grey’ pins which point out you’ve watched only one episode of Queer Eye in your life, and that was only because your girlfriend made you.
We get it: Watching gay people is yuck.
And if you don’t think a Straight Pride pin screams “I only use a 3-in-1 shampoo/conditioner/body wash” loud enough, there are even more Straight Pride products for you.
Wear the above fab Straight Pride shirt to remind us silly fags that not only is gay marriage something we had to and continue to fight for, but that being gay is punishable by law in over 70 countries.
Then again, let’s hear what Hugh (who doesn’t wipe his butt ’cause that’s too gay) and other straights have to say about this ‘masc’-tastic shirt.
“Yay! There is finally a shirt for heterosexuals!”
“Just the thing to piss up off sensitive little snowflakes!”
“It should read ‘Correct Lifestyle Pride.’”
“I’m allowed to be straight.”
Yup, Todd. You most certainly are allowed to be unbearably straight.
There’s even a shirt to remind some of us that our parent’s pee-pee and vajajay made us (even though that’s not always the case.) With a title like ‘Straight Pride Shirt, Proud to Be Straight, I’m Not Gay T-Shirt’, how could the heteros resist?
In conclusion, this meme perfectly sums up what we think of these ridiculous Straight Pride products: