American Idol’s Ada Vox Sounds Off on the 5 Artists Who Most Inspire Her
You watched her sing her heart out on American Idol, but now Ada Vox — the show’s first drag queen contestant to perform throughout the show in drag — is taking matters into her own hands. The San Antonio-based Idol semi-finalist has officially released her first single, “Because of You,” and the rest is all herstory.
People are still talking about Ada Vox’s (real name Adam Sanders) cover of The Animals’ “House of the Rising Sun” that was her audition number on American Idol, and these days she’s treating crowds around the world to her vocal stylings. (You can find Ada Vox performing in cities around the United States throughout October and November.)
While on Idol, Ada Vox was upfront about her influences, many of whom are strong women with even stronger stage personas. So Hornet took the opportunity to chat with her about the artists who most inspire her, knowing that Ada Vox — just by being Ada Vox — is in itself inspiration for so many others.
Here are the 5 musical artists who most inspire Ada Vox:
1. Patti Labelle
“Miss Patti is a legend. She has withstood the test of time and created a legacy that only a true master of their craft can sustain. She has inspired me to chase my dream and keep up every bit of hard work possible.”
2. Christina Aguilera
“She’s a strong woman with a gift from heaven above! The words to some of her early songs, especially ‘The Voice Within,’ helped me to make it through some of my hardest times. The message is something that I think we can all learn and grow from.
3. Beyoncé
“She has the amazing gift of adaptability. She blends in perfectly with whatever she needs to in order to continue living in her success. Beyoncé is an icon that has shown me, as well as many others, that we can come up and maintain a career for as long as we’re willing to put forth the work.”
4. Lady Gaga
“This woman came at a time when so many of us needed a role model. She was doubted at first as just another one-hit pop star, but she proved them wrong and became an icon and one of the world’s biggest stars. The movement that she helped move along for the LGBTQ+ community inspired me and other queens to really stand up and fight.”
5. RuPaul
“Of course Ms. RuPaul is on this list! She was one of the biggest revolutionaries in bringing us as LGBTQ+ people to the forefront of the world. She has inspired me to continue attempting to pave the way for future generations to come!”
Do any of the artists who inspire Ada Vox also inspire you?
Head here for more info on Ada Vox’s U.S. tour, and head here to hear the new single “Because of You.”
Featured image courtesy of ABC / American Idol