12 Celebrities Who Look So Great With Facial Hair, We Don’t Wanna Imagine Them Any Other Way
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The power of the beard is truly awe-inspiring. It can change the shape of your face, transform your personal style, inject a dose of big dick energy into your game, and — in the case of these 12 celebrities — leave us so shook that we never wanna imagine them without a beard again. As far as we’re concerned, there aren’t enough bearded celebrities in the industry. More! We want more!
Whether it’s a sharp, tightly trimmed accessory on a dapper gent or an unkempt mess on a hipster hunk, we’re down with the face fuzz. Are you?
Here are 12 bearded celebrities who look so great rocking facial hair, we never wanna see them without:
1. Drake
Of all the bearded celebrities out there, Drake fully understands the power of facial hair and works it to his benefit, whether he opts for a little scruff or a well-manicured beard matched with an awards show tux.
2. Zac Efron
The High School Musical twunk has gone full-scale daddy, and we’re not mad about it. The above pic was snapped while on vacation in Costa Rica. Swoon.
3. Ricky Martin
While it’s physically impossible for Ricky Martin to look anything short of dead sexy, the face fuzz has ensured he never leaves our list of sexy bearded celebrities.
4. Idris Elba
He’s People magazine’s new “Sexiest Man Alive,” and we tend to agree. Between the accent and those kind eyes, we’re smitten. Add the salt-and-pepper beard and we’re in total lust.
5. Bradley Cooper
Here’s a bearded celebrity who occasionally chops it all off, but we gotta say, our basements were flooded throughout the entirety of A Star Is Born. What. A. Sexy. Man.
6. John Legend
This handsome crooner just looks better bearded than baby-faced. Don’t @ me.
7. Paul Rudd
We fell in love with this hunk — one of three Marvel superheroes on our list, four if you count Bradley Cooper’s Rocket Raccoon (but let’s not) — when he was fresh-faced in Clueless, but once he became part of the bearded celebrities pack, we’ve never looked back.
8. Graham Norton
Our favorite late-night talk show host (The Graham Norton Show is going on 11 years on the BBC) switched over to sporting a beard a few years ago, and we stand behind the bold choice.
9. Chadwick Boseman
While I wouldn’t say it was the beard that made Black Panther one of the sexiest superheroes of all time, I will say it definitely didn’t hurt.
10. Chris Hemsworth
What could possibly be hotter than Thor, the God of Thunder? Thor with an effing beard. That’s what.
11. Jared Leto
He’s been singlehandedly trying to bring “hippie chic” back into existence for years, and while we aren’t sure he’s accomplished that just yet, the beard is commendable.
12. Milo Ventimiglia
Ventimiglia isn’t so much one of our favorite bearded celebrities as he is the ultimate mustachioed stars. Not enough guys rock a mustache, and for that, we commend him.