Here Are 13 of the Naughtiest ‘Big Brother’ Nude Scenes From Around the World
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Big Brother is a cultural phenomenon that has branched out across the globe. The show is well-known for its drama and deceit, but it’s also renowned for choosing male contestants with abs worthy of washing our dirty clothes. Combine that with the rest of the world’s lax take on nudity, and you’ll come to find there are a bunch of wagging wieners and bobbing booties on the show. It’s Big Brother nudes galore!
With that in mind — and with the TV series continuing to crank out new season after new season — we’ve compiled a list of our favorite Big Brother nudes for you to enjoy.
In no particular order, here are the sexiest, steamiest and sometimes weirdest Big Brother nudes (all links NSFW).
1. Eduardo ‘El Chile’ Miranda, Big Brother Mexico Season 4
Eduardo had an itch he just couldn’t seem to scratch. That is, until he whipped out his meaty member to really get in there and give it a good rubdown while the night vision cameras caught it all.
2. Daniel Koellerer, Celebrity Big Brother Germany Season 3
Koellerer, a professional tennis player, showed off more than just his racquet and balls. We aren’t complaining.
3. Jamie Brooksby, Big Brother Australia Season 6
Brooksby let his ‘Big Buddy’ out on the prowl on Big Brother while nonchalantly walking around and sipping on a drink.
4. Sam Chaloner, Big Brother UK 18
Chaloner just couldn’t contain himself in his red booty shorts, which led to his hefty member making a saucy appearance on-camera.
5. Jon Pardy, Big Brother Canada Season 2
Pardy gave us the perfect dick-slip while drying off outside by the pool.
6. Austin Armacost, Celebrity Big Brother Season 16
This openly gay A-List: New York star made his way across the pond to show off his bodacious booty. But that’s not all. Armacost also cuddles in bed (while naked) with fellow male contestant James Hill and begs him to massage his thigh.
7. Mark Jansen, Big Brother US Season 19
While it’s true that the American version of Big Brother is much more prudish than its international counterparts, we do occasionally get some action shots. On this recent season, we couldn’t get enough of Mark Jansen in all his glory, showing off his bubble butt constantly.
8. Aurelio Onorato, Big Brother Hungary
It seems Big Brother Hungary can get pretty naughty, and Aurelio Onorato looks to be a huge reason why. From taking a stroll outside in the buff to lying down on the kitchen table fully nude, Onorato might just be allergic to wearing clothes.
9. Tarik, Big Brother Denmark Season 5
Tarik, a painter from Copenhagen, gave us a different kind of brush stroke to watch during his sudsy shower.
10. Kenny Brain, Big Brother Canada Season 2
While he’s not fully nude, Kenny does gloriously shake his exposed booty during an oiled up workout in a pair of tighty-whities-turned-thong. And while this list focuses on in-house nudity, we couldn’t, in all good conscience, end our story without showing you his rather girthy bathroom selfies. (You can thank us later.)
11. Ryan Ginns, Big Brother Australia Season 11
Ginns is by far the sexiest frozen chicken we’ve ever seen.
12. Lane Elenburg, Big Brother US Season 12
Lane got famous for subtly masturbating in the shower while on the show. He might’ve gotten away with it, too, but around the one-minute mark his O-face gives away the dirty deed at hand — or, better yet, in hand. His nudes also leaked.
13. Lewis Bloor, Celebrity Big Brother UK Season 18
Talk about one incredibly long … shower. And don’t even get us started on his Snapchat penis pendulum.
Who’s your favorite Big Brother hunk? Did we miss any other Big Brother nudes? Let us know.
This story was originally published on Aug. 11, 2017. It has since been updated.