#FollowFriday, Aug. 3: You Should Be Following These 5 Artists, Athletes and Activists
Every week, we bring you five of the best LGBTQ+ Instagram accounts from around the world, with each one a gem well worth a scroll or ten. This week, be inspired to work out, shout out and sing out.
This rising star is one of Africa’s most promising and gloriously bold LGBTQ talents, with a stunning voice and passionate new music for your ears.
He faced death threats for playing a man in a same sex-relationship in the movie, The Wound, which explores the secret world of a Xhosa male initiation ceremony.
In a post earlier this year he said:
“We are vile and we are perverse… I saw myself as a child, mocked for being effeminate. Afraid for my life as a teenager when I walked past straight men because I had no idea what they were capable of. I always had something to hide. They hated me. They hated us, unless we made them laugh. Unless we did their hair and proved that they were good people.
“I grew up, I was still afraid, but I refused to hide who I am. There was and there is nothing wrong with me… So you’ll take us off your cinemas, you’ll rip our paintings/photographs off walls. But we will not go anywhere. We will still be here even if you think you’ve won.”