Mac Finds His Pride in ‘It’s Always Sunny’ Season 13, and We’re Here for It
It’s the summer press tour for the Television Critics Association (TCA) which means we’re getting all sorts of great news about our favorite shows. We already told you that Jessica Lange is coming back to American Horror Story, and now, we’ve got some news FXX’s It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia season 13. On the TCA junket, the creators of the show played a clip from the upcoming episode “Mac Finds His Pride,” in which the show’s newly out character comes out as gay to his dad, and it sounds kind of amazing.
In the middle of Season 12, Mac (played by Rob McElhenney) finally came out as gay. Though he briefly came out in Season 11, only to immediately renege, this time Mac stayed out.
And in “Mac Finds His Pride,” the first episode of Season 13, Mac comes out to his ex-con father Luther (played by Gregory Scott Cummins). And it wouldn’t be an episode of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia if it weren’t over the top — and so, Mac comes out in an elaborately choreographed dance routine that reportedly took 50 recording takes to complete.
McElhenney, also one of the show’s co-creators, said that the show got a great response to Mac’s coming out. For the first 11 seasons, it was a running gag that Mac was deeply closeted due to his ultra-conservative religious beliefs. He briefly came out in Season 11’s finale, after meeting two gay Christians on a cruise ship, only to immediately go back after thanking God for saving him from the sinking ship.
In interviews, the show creators said they saw fans were disappointed by Mac’s backsliding into the closet. In Season 12’s “Hero or Hate Crime,” the show had Mac come out for good after his friends discover that he owns a “Ass Pounder 4000″ workout bike with a dildo-fist seat.
McElhenney said, “[Fans] told me how moved they were by it and how important it was to be represented.” Co-star Danny DeVito added, “I was really moved by it. It was cool to see that. And inspiring.”
In other It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia Season 13 news, it appears that Dennis, played by Glenn Howerton, will be returning for over half of the season. At the end of Season 12, he claimed he was moving to North Dakota to start a family.