James Franco Strips Down to a Cock Sock in ‘The Disaster Artist,’ and Here Are the GIFs to Prove It
If you want to see a tease of James Franco nude, you came to the right place.
Actor and director James Franco has made a name for himself among gay fans for playing very queer roles, like gay porn entrepreneur-slash-murderer Joe Kerekes in King Cobra, an ex-gay publisher who had a threesome in I Am Michael, gay poet Allen Ginsburg in Howl and Harvey Milk’s young boyfriend in Milk.
In his latest film, The Disaster Artist, Franco plays Tommy Wiseau, a real-life director whose 2003 film The Room is most often described as “one of the worst movies ever made.” And while Wiseau isn’t gay, in one scene we nearly get to see James Franco nude, showing off his man-cakes while sporting nothing more than a cock sock.
To refresh your memory, when male actors do nude scenes, they don’t always go completely naked (unlike these brave actors who went full frontal). Many male actors opt to wear a “cock sock,” a small sock tied around their junk that hides their manhood from curious eyes and leak-prone cameraphones.
A cock sock, if you’ve never seen one, looks a like a small pouch tied off around the shaft and testicles with a string to maintain the illusion of full nudity while hiding genitals away from the camera and co-stars.
Anyway, here are shots from The Disaster Artist where we nearly see James Franco nude:
In a March 2016 self-interview with Dot429.com, Franco said, “I like to think that I’m gay in my art and straight in my life,” and added:
I can be a figure for change. I am a figure who can show the straight community that many of their definitions are outdated and boring. And I can also show the gay community that many of the things about themselves that they are giving up to join the straight community are actually valuable and beautiful.
He also famously made out with himself for a 2010 New York Times short film (below) which is kind of gay … or just really narcissistic … or both. Either way, it’s still nice to watch.