CBS Refuses to Evict JC Mounduix From the ‘Big Brother’ House Over Sexual Harassment
In this season of Big Brother, one houseguest, JC Mounduix, has caused multiple controversies, however his latest is the worst. On the live feed, Mounduix started rubbing Tyler Crispin’s body and kissed his armpit while Crispin slept — and that’s not the only controversy JC Mounduix has caused in this house this week. That said, CBS says it won’t kick him out of the house.
This Tuesday, on the live feeds that give interested viewers a view into the Big Brother house in real time, JC Mounduix and Tyler Crispin were seen sleeping together. While Crispin slept, Mounduix started rubbing Crispin’s body, and then kissed his armpit. The next morning, Crispin complained to Kaycee Clark that he was sleeping alone that night because Mounduix wouldn’t leave him alone.
The next night, JC Mounduix opened the door while Haleigh Broucher was using the bathroom. Despite Broucher shouting at him to close the door, Mounduix tied the door open. Broucher then shouted for producers to intervene, and the cameras cut to the fish tank.
Additionally, this Friday, Mounduix appeared to say the N-word on the live feed — the second time he’d done so. In the clip he seems to be laughing over how the name of the Snickers candy bar sounds like the slur.
On Saturday, CBS released a statement saying that JC Mounduix would not be evicted from the house. According to the statement, “We spoke with all three of the houseguests separately in detail about the incidents. Tyler and Haleigh explained to producers that they in no way felt threatened, unsafe or sexually harassed. If there was any indication from our Houseguests of sexual misconduct, we and CBS would have taken immediate action. The safety and security of our houseguests is and will continue to be our top priority.”
That said, on the feeds, both Crispin and Broucher appeared upset. Broucher even told executive producer Allison Grodner about the bathroom incident but that she didn’t want to get him “in trouble.”
This is far from the only incidents that JC Mounduix has been involved in. As mentioned, he previously used the N-word while explaining that the word “midget” is a slur. He was also chastised for using an ice cream scooper to sexually harrass his fellow housemates. In this incident, Mounduix attempted to use the scooper on his housemates’ genitals, telling Clark to “open up [her] vagina,” and again targeting Crispin, by cupping his genitals over his pants.
Perhaps unsurprisingly given his actions, Mounduix also was under fire for making an unfunny “#MeToo” joke.
Given all the trouble that Mounduix has caused his housemates, it’s clear that CBS is merely keeping him around to gin up ratings. But as that CBS CEO Les Moonves — who is also married to Big Brother host Julie Chen — has multiple accusations against him of his own sexual harassment and misconduct, should we even be surprised?