Would You Pay More Than $1,000 to See Kylie Minogue on Her Latest Tour?
Now, like all right-thinking people, we love Kylie Minogue. But while we love her, we’re not sure if we.. one thousand dollars love her. But some fans are paying that much to see the singer on the latest Kylie Minogue tour.
Minogue is promoting her latest album, Golden. Though she could sell out stadiums, particularly in the United Kingdom where the tour starts, she’s choosing to play only a few small shows. (We’ve included the tour dates below.)
A normal ticket for the debut show at London’s Café De Paris, is £110 ($154), and early entry costs £265 ($371). A VIP package is “only” £768 ($1077), but if you want the true Kylie effect, you’ll want to buy the London meet-and-greet, for the low, low price of £965 ($1354).
Fans are understandably upset that only the wealthiest can afford to meet the pop singer — or even see her on this tour. Fan Alan Pickering, whose Twitter bio merely reads “Kylie Mad” wrote:
Milking fans for cash…is this what the golden age is about?? ripping off devoted fans… pre ticket codes, but you must buy an album, which devoted fans bought way before the pre release meaning you had to buy again…spending my £1000 destined for kylie tickets on Britney
It wasn’t only the London date people were complaining about. Even at the inflated prices, the tickets quickly sold out at all the venues. Some fans like @brettwyn are even saying the poor tour rollout is making them question their fandom:
I totally agree. First album I shall NOT buy on the day of release. So I shall NOT be pre ordering this album not playing dancing again. I may actually go get Steps tickets instead for Cheltenham! Kylie, once again you losing your loyal fan base.
Hopefully, some more Kylie Minogue tour dates will be added soon.
Kylie Minogue tour dates:
Mar. 14: Manchester Gorilla — Manchester, UK