Sacha Baron Cohen Zings Pro-Trump Fools and Trolls Sarah Palin in His Show’s Final Episode
On his Showtime comedy reality TV series Who Is America? British comedian and actor Sacha Baron Cohen has pranked various Republican wing nuts like racist former Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Republican lawmaker Jason Spencer into saying and doing unbelievably gay things. But in its final episode, Cohen pulled off two great (and disturbing) parting shots: First, he convinced a bunch of Trump-loving thugs to gang rape an effigy of Trump before one of the thugs participated in a (fake) public act of terrorism. Then, at the very end of the program, he thanked former GOP Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin for publicizing his show even though she never even appeared in it. This final Sacha Baron Cohen Palin joke showed off the show’s expert-level trolling of conservative blowhards.
Among the show’s many characters, Cohen plays anti-terrorist expert Captain Erran Morad, a former member of the Israeli military who teaches conservatives how to defend themselves against liberal terrorists.
In last night’s episode, Morad got three Trump-supporting internet trolls to audition for an undercover mission that involved dressing up like lesbian protestors and fighting Antifa (anti-fascists). To train them to sound like lesbian progressives, Morad had the three men look each other in the eye and compliment one another’s physical attractiveness, including their eyes, legs and chests.
Next, Morad pulled out an effigy of U.S President Donald Trump and said, “In order to convince them that you are a radical liberal, you will have to be able to show disrespect to the man we all admire most.”
He then had the three men mime a gang rape of the Trump effigy using a dildo forced into the effigy’s mouth and backside. It’s pretty creepy and violent.
After dressing up one of the trainees as a lesbian protestor in a pink pussy hat, Morad has the trainee secretly put a microchip “tracking device” onto a random protestor. Afterwards, Morad tells the trainee that he can kill that protestor just by pressing a button on a tablet screen. The man presses the button without much hesitation, in essence committing a terrorist act of political murder on TV.
Here are the men gang raping a Trump effigy and “murdering” an Antifa protestor on Who Is America?:
Please watch until the end. #WhoIsAmerica pic.twitter.com/JwVBEzyH6p
— Jacob (@Gray_J73) August 27, 2018
Uhhh #WhoIsAmerica pic.twitter.com/cV63FcstQU
— Jacob (@Gray_J73) August 27, 2018
But Cohen’s final joke was on Sarah Palin, the despicably racist 2008 Republican Vice Presidential candidate. Before Who Is America? even aired the former Alaska governor told the press that Cohen had dressed up as a disabled veteran in a wheelchair and tried to interview her for what she was told was a “legit Showtime historical documentary.”
Cohen clarified that his character wasn’t in a wheelchair, but a scooter in order to “conserve his finite energy.” In a public letter, he added that his character only ever said that he was in “the service,” but he meant the postal service, adding, “I only fought for my country once when I shot a Mexican who came onto my property.”
Palin’s claims that Cohen had imitated a disabled veteran incensed conservative news outlets and gave his show lots of free press before it ever aired. And, in the end, the Sacha Baron Cohen Palin interview segment never even aired.
So, in thanks for the free press, Cohen ended the last episode of Who Is America? with a credit for Palin as the show’s “Special Publicity Consultant (Inadvertent).”
Pretty funny.