Ho With a Heart-On: Gay Porn Star Wesley Woods Wants to Use Sex to Spread Love
If you had told George W. Bush-voting, Christian college-attending, 18-year-old me that in 13 years I would be driving to a rural North Texas town to hang out with award-winning gay porn performer Wesley Woods on his family’s horse ranch two days before Christmas, I probably would have said a prayer for myself.
Despite being well-acquainted with an array of porn personalities from an early age thanks to a fifth grade, Batman & Robin-inspired internet search for “Chris O’Donnell naked” that led me to some pretty exciting photos of Lukas Ridgeston, porn — and it’s “stars” — have been relegated to the darkened closet of incognito browser tabs.
But after seeing Wesley Woods compete in a stand-up competition at a comedy club — and subsequently enduring an obnoxious panel of judges that included Kato Kaelin for some reason — I was forced to do something that porn never asks us to do: consider the full story of the human being baring themselves for our pleasure.
This is mostly because of the way Wes incorporates his family into his material. The rural Texan, athletic, Christian, straight, predominantly male family he describes defies stereotypes in their acceptance of Wes and the work he does.
“When I told my mom I was going to start doing porn, she said, ‘Just keep it classy,’” Wes recalls with a laugh. “I’m not really sure what that means.”